Call for the International Scientific Conference of the Kosovo Pedagogical Institute with the main theme:

Lifelong Learning: A Comprehensive Approach from Early Childhood to Vocational Education and Training

The Kosovo Pedagogical Institute (KPI) is pleased to announce the organization of the annual international scientific conference, with the main theme “Lifelong Learning: A Comprehensive Approach from Early Childhood to Vocational Education and Training”.


This scientific event will take place on 1 and 2 October 2025 and aims to provide an important platform for the presentation and sharing of scientific findings, for discussions and exchange of views on challenges, opportunities and perspectives for the development and improvement of lifelong education.

The conference also aims to broaden the discussion to include lifelong learning, as well as the set of influences that focus on the study of learning and teaching from birth to adulthood, in formal and non-formal settings, to influence the reform and modernization of educational practices and policies in Kosovo.


Developmental challenges in early childhood education, primary and secondary education, as well as lifelong and vocational education

Analysis of the current situation and development prospects of pre-university education (EFH, AF, AMU, AML and adult VET), assessing solutions and prospects for its improvement.

Improving curricula and lesson plans

Exploring the needs for reviewing curricula and lesson plans with the aim of improving their quality and ensuring quality and inclusive education.

Proactive approaches to challenges in implementing inclusive education

Discussion of strategies and policies for the effective implementation of inclusive education, emphasizing proactive and innovative approaches in addressing the diverse needs of students

Proactive approaches to challenges in implementing inclusive education

Discussion of strategies and policies for the effective implementation of inclusive education, emphasizing proactive and innovative approaches in addressing the diverse needs of students

Comprehensive leadership and quality management of educational institutions

Research on methods and practices of leadership and management of educational institutions, with the aim of improving educational performance and quality in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Implications of technology in lifelong learning

The use of technologies in formal education and training requires careful planning to align technology with learning goals, provide professional development, and provide equitable access to technology to support lifelong learning.

Për të siguruar një kombinim të mirë të prezantimeve, diskutimeve interaktive dhe mundësive për rrjetëzim, si dhe për t’u mundësuar pjesëmarrësve të marrin maksimumin nga konferenca brenda një dite, është planifikuar ky format i punës. Klikoni në butonin e mëposhtëm për ta shkarkuar agjendën.


Experts and researchers in the field are invited to submit papers from the above-mentioned fields (sub-topics) that contribute to the development of lifelong learning, covering various issues related to the improvement of early childhood education, compulsory education and vocational education and training.



You can prepare and submit your presentation in one of the following formats:

  • Parallel session presentation – short presentations, 15-20 minutes, of scientific research.
  • Panel presentation and discussion – related to one of the conference sub-themes with professionals in the field.
  • Poster presentation – presentations of various studies, case studies and experiences by various professionals.

Abstracts will be accepted

until April 30, 2025
Abstract evaluation will be completed by May 30, 2025

Conference registration and notification of participants will be completed

by June 30, 2025.

The deadline for submitting full papers for publication is August 31, 2025. For external participants, this requirement is optional.

Abstracts and full papers must be submitted within the deadlines specified in the e-mail address:

All accepted abstracts and papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings Book.


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