Dear scientific workers, researchers and professionals of the pre-university education field

Kosovo Pedagogical Institute, within the duties and responsibilities it has and in accordance with the situation created by COVID-19, has reviewed and analyzed, but also has followed with professional attention and dedication the situation created.

In 2020, KPI published the results of the study Distance learning / e-learning in pre-university education in Kosovo, in the circumstances created by the pandemic COVID-19, while it is expected to be published soon the results of the study conducted in 2021, regarding teaching losses in pre-university education in Kosovo, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

This year, in November, KPI intends to organize a conference on the overarching theme of the conference Impact of COVID-19 on learning losses, consequences in increasing learning inequalities and fulfillment / compensation challenges. The conference aims to be an event of international scientific proportions, in which scientists and educational professionals will present their scientific achievements related to the topic.

We invite you to send your papers and treatises for participation and presentation at the conference.

The aim of the Conference

Kosovo Pedagogical Institute is a research-professional institution, whose mission is research in the field of pre-university education, in order to advance the educational practices. The research, treatments and analyzes made are a continuation of the assistance provided to the educational system and practices. The organization of this conference has the same purpose: the presentation of experiences and results from research, treatment and analysis of educational issues and practices, by various authors, and their use in order to advance education in Kosovo and beyond.

We, therefore, invite you to submit your work according to the following criteria and timeline.


Fill in the details in the form below