Module Importance

Educational-parent cooperation is of special importance for the educator, for the preschool / pre-school educational institution, for the parent, and especially for the child, his development and full education. The indisputable importance of the educational-parent cooperation has been confirmed / obliged with the document “Law on preschool education”, more precisely Law no. 02 / L-52 – 2006.

Therefore, the functioning of this component, during the realization of the work with the children of preschool age, is an obligation of each preschool institution in general and of each educator in particular. According to this law, are defined in detail, the aspects in which the cooperation should be implemented, as well as the obligations that the educator and the parent have regarding this cooperation. More specifically, in the first article, definition no. 7, states: “Parental participation refers to the involvement of parents in arrangements made by preschool institutions, to help and contribute to the effectiveness of their work.”

Also, according to Article 8 of this law, among the basic duties of preschool educational institutions, the first task is to ‘assist parents in caring for and educating their children at home’.

The cooperation of the preschool institution with the parents does not remain without emphasizing the issue of approving the educational programs for preschool children and article 12, point 3, specifies that one of the educational programs for children that the institution must approve is “The way and the form of cooperation with parents ”.

How important is the parent factor in working with children, shows 29 article, point 1, of the same law (for preschool), according to which it is emphasized that the fund of working hours for preschool educators must include preparations, planning, realization of educational activities, cooperation with parents and their participation in the organization of life and work in preschool institutions ”.


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